Thursday, June 2, 2022

A Healthy Diet After a Bone Fracture


Bone fractures are the worst! One day you would be active performing your routine workout out at the park, breathing in the fresh air, and the next thing you know, you’re screaming in pain after taking a hard fall. What is worse is finding out you have gotten a bone fracture that will take months to heal, keeping you away from performing physical activity.

What about the concert you had to attend with your friends? Or that movie you had to watch on your date night? All your plans have gone down the drain. But there is no need to be so broken about it. We’ve got a remedy to help you heal faster and better. Did you know that a healthy, well-balanced diet containing calcium can speed things?

It’s unnecessary to take calcium supplements for health benefits; you can also consume calcium from food sources if your diet contains the following nutrition.

1)    Calcium

Calcium is the most important mineral that must be taken in sufficient amounts to heal bone fractures  whether it is provided as calcium supplements for bones or part of regular diet. Every adult must get around 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day. Your doctor will guide you on the daily dose of calcium required every day. Good sources such as milk, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, nuts, kale, soy, and salmon must be taken in large quantities.

If you are a fan of fruit juices, have some calcium fortified citrus cold press juices. Some calcium fortified cereals can also work if you want to switch things up a bit and make breakfasts more interesting. These breakfasts will have enough calcium supplements for bones for morning.

2)    Vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption. Without sufficient vitamin D in the body, the calcium consumed gets disposed of through the body with waste instead of getting absorbed in the bloodstream. Spending around fifteen minutes out in the sun can help you meet your daily vitamin D requirement.

Furthermore, it can also be consumed through foods like egg yolks, fatty fish, milk, and calcium fortified orange juice. Every adult must get at least 600 IU of vitamin D every day. People above 70 must get a dose of at least 800 IU.

3)    Protein

About half of the bone structure is made out of protein and in case of a bone fracture, your body needs loads of it to repair. Protein also helps your bones take in calcium and other nutrients. We recommend eating lean protein, lentils, cheese, yogurt, nuts, seeds, and soya to fulfill your daily protein requirement.

Take at least two portions of protein to fulfill your daily requirements. You can also have slow-cooked meat to get maximum protein in your body.

The Verdict

While experts recommend getting calcium, protein, vitamin D, and iron from foods, it’s not a piece of cake for everyone to make Mediterranean-style food rich in colorful plants, legumes, and fish. For individuals who cannot afford the time or energy to consume calcium-rich foods, Totally Calcium’s also, calcium tablets for bones are a total savior, as they supply plenty of calcium in the most convenient way. As far as vitamin D is concerned, it’s easily found in sunlight so soak up as much as the sun to get your daily requirement. 

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